Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Thursday, July 26, 2007


THANK YOU to all of you who were part of this team to send me to Cambodia! I thank you and value all your prayers, notes of encouragement and financial support. I hope as you look thru this final post of photos, you will indeed feel a "reaping" of what you have sown.

It has taken me a few days to re-adjust and process the 12 hour time change and the "whirlwind" of ministry and travel that i have just been through. I'm sure in reality, I will still be processing it for a while. But now I can say "yes" I DO have a heart for Cambodia, for these precious people that the Lord so loves. My only regret is that I wish I had more time with them...but that is in God's hands. Who knows what the future will hold?

Enjoy these photos :)

Updates from Hope Cambodia blog

Joyce Meyer's son David Meyer is keeping a blog for everyday of HopeCambodia. He is the one in charge of world missions for JMM. Anyway, I just logged on and found these three entries regarding the time that I was there. Praise God for all that was accomplished! (maybe I'll add some photos to go along with the captions)

Date: July 22, 2007From: David L. Meyer This past week launched the first of four weeks of the medical/dental teams. Mark & Doreen Babo (pictured) have been very instrumental in organizing the 80 plus professionals that are traveling to Cambodia throughout the 30 days. In the first week just completed, in the Battambang province, 1,685 patients were treated, many of which have had little or no access to this type of care. We believe very strongly in mixing social justice with God’s love. This week we all had a part in relieving suffering and I think God really likes that

Date: July 23, 2007From: David MeyerThe Battambang meetings were concluded over the weekend. We saw what the Lord can do through the power of teamwork! Three churches came together and sent fifty volunteers to help touch the people of this province. Over 20,000 people attended services filled with anointed music and the word. As Pastor Dino Rizzo (pictured) ministers to over a thousand people jam packed into the hall, many more thousands are outside watching on a big screen. Thank you to everyone at Healing Place Church, The Life Church and Celebration Church for all of your help.

Date: July 25, 2007From: Pastor John Siebeling-Life Church of Memphis For me, the most touching moment of Hope Cambodia was touring the medical outreach taking place here in Battambang. I don't even know what it was in particular; I was just so moved by the compassion that I saw. I guess it just blew me away to see all those doctors and nurses from all over the world in those steamy hot rooms, armed with an interpreter at their side, doing whatever they could to help the hurting Cambodian people.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

More photos

"Sunny" (my interpreter), a little Khmer boy I treated and me of course!

As I adjusted patient after patient, these kids all seemed to gather and watch me. What's funny about this photo is all these kids were all smiley, but as soon as you get the camera out they close their lips! I've found that to be true a lot of places- noone quite does the cheesy camera smile like Americans! haha. Oh well, they are still so cute! And they LOVED their super balls!

Dr. (or shall I say Dentist) Eileen- haha- yeah, well, Dr. Anita form India who is a dentist asked me if I wanted to do a tooth extraction. Is aid "sure- why not?!". So thisis me pulling a big ol' molar. Thank God the patient was anesthetized. I did get it out perfectly though! And now I think I am done with dentistry! haha.

This was the view I had as I adjusted patients on Day 2.

This little girl was afraid and didn't want to get adjusted. She sat and sat and wouldn't get treated. but then I went and asked her and she came to my table. I just sat with her and massaged her hands and she relaxed so beautifully. Then I was able to adjust her also and she was happy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Divine appointments

We went on a medial mission, but I always knew it would be far more than that. There were so many connections and networks formed and I truly know that I have new friends all over the world that will endure here on earth and even into heaven.
Talk about the Body of Christ- I am so thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am thrille dto be part of a truth based, spirit filled local church but I am equally thrille dabout being part of the global church- the fullness of the Body of Christ! There were people on the team from Australia, South Africa, Belgium, England, India and all across the U.S.
Here are some photos of me with my new sisters (and brothers) in Christ! To God be the glory!

Just before my long 14 hour flight from L.A. to Taipei, Taiwan I met up with three other women who were also part of the team. This was a huge encouragement to all of us- we felt like together we could endure the long flight! (Jill from Texas, myself, Shawna from Florida and Vanessa from South Carolina).

After breakfast and befor eheading out to Day 2 clinic. (Melanie, originally from South Africa and now living in London, Jill from Northern England, myself and Shawna)

"Five Rivers"! This is what myself an this dynamic, powerful, passionate group of prayer warriors ended up calling ourselves. These girls are in my heart forever. My room becasme the prayer and prophecy room almost every night. From left to right is Melania, Heather (from Washington), Jessika (from Arizona) and Lesya (from Australia). You can tell it's my room becasue of my lovely stylish pajama pants! haha!

Lilia (from St Louis Dream Center) and myself. Thisis right after we went shopping at the market in Phnom Penh. that was really fun and youc an see that i am already sporting my new headband- something I try to buy in each new country i go to).

This photo shows form left to right my interpreter "Sunny", Dr. Mark Bebo (he and his wife were our team leaders), myself and in the foreground is the woman who had severe scoliosis and was basically "crumpled up, hunched over, twisted and looking down" when Dr. Mark sent her to me. After laying her on the table and letting the Holy Spirit lead me (becasue truly I didn't know what I could do for her in the natural) I just kep praying and doing whatever I felt the Lord directing me to do. I cna tell you I had HUGE FAITH for this woman that Jesus was going to heal her and help her. Eventhough the crowds were waiting I would not rush the Holy Spirit on this one. When she stood up- she was so mcuh straighter we all praised God. Youc an see she still has structural deformities but God allowed her to straighten up and walk. She also gave her life to Christ for the first time that day as she felt the love of Christ healing her she said. PRAISE GOD! Yeah- this one gave me tears!

Various Photos

First Day of clinic- this was early on becasue I still look "fresh". Later in the day I suffered form heat exhaustion and then massive back pain as my muscles "seized up" on me. Though it was difficult- I had to return to the hotel and rest and recouperate. It wqas a difficult way to start my first day with so much still ahead of me, but I felt the peace of God that everything was perfectly held in Hsi hands. I used my time at the hotel to pray for the team and for the government to allow the festival to take place on Friday night (I'm happy to say it DID take place!) Thanks to all of you who knew about my struggles and prayed with me! The rest of the week was non-stop , with me feeling decent and adjusting about 100-150 patients each day! Now that's God!!!!!
Thisis one of my favorite photos because as I walked thru the crowds that were waiting for care (when we would arrive there were alreadya bout 500 people waiting for us)...this little boy/or girl(?) just put his arms out for me to hold him . This was unusual for the kids so after seeing the Mom giving me the "go ahead" to hold him I was thrilled to take him in my arms and pray over him and just show Jesus' love.

I am not 100% certain, but I THINK this is the woman who had to be carried to my table and then after I was done treating her she was able to easily walk away on her own. Either way, it is one of the many beautiful Khmer people that I treated!

How cute is this little kid? I treated both child and Mom and then snapped this precious photo. The Cambodians greet each other by putting their hands together and then bowing and so this little one was just learning how to do that. Seriously- too cute for words.

This is a picture of Doreen Bebo and myself in her nice suite at the luxurious Phnom Penh hotel! She and her husband Mark were our team leaders and were simply awesome. I learned so much form them. And now...we also have our Nigeria contact! (Mark and Doreen split their time between New Orleans and Nigeria...both places that God has spoken into our hearts about.)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Cambodia- some photos

At a Christian orphanage in Phnom Penh- we were able to sow money for food for these children who were simply precious. One young boy came up to me and said "what religion do you follow?" I said "Oh- I follow Jesus Christ. I am a Christian. How about you? And he said- yes I am a Christian too. " It was so obvious that these kids were being taught and trained up as Christians. Cambodia needs more!

Day One clinic- near the beginning. Just smiling for the camera with some of the girls.

Day One clinic again- treating a little 4 year old girl.

Precious shot that my interpreter captured. I gave him my camera to use for the day and to take photos. He enjoyed it and got some great shots!
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Sunday, July 22, 2007

one night in Bangkok- haha

well I'm at teh Bangkok airport just waiting out a long layover. It has been an amazing mission trip and a wonderful adventure! I am feeling well and so thankful for everyone's prayers and emails of encouragement. How awesome is the true Body of Christ! I'll post more with photos once I am back home. I have a few long flights ahead of me but am happy to be coming home after such a Spirit filled effective time in God!

Love to everyone, Eileen

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Safe in Cambodia

Hi all- I hope this posts in english- haha. I arrived safely here last night and am happy to say i got a great night's sleep and even received a room upgrade- my room was on the level of "CLUB EXCELLENCE"

I just loved that. anyway on the way i met up with 5 other team members and also managed to get a Thai massage in Bangkok (thanks mom for the money!) My adventurous side that likes to 'live" thinks that is one of those things everyone should do if they have the I went for it! It was great- and its hard to please a chiropractor in profession who also has the chiropractor massage king husband!

But seriously- the team meets this morning in about an hour for the first time with all of us- then we head out for our location. I can say i definitely feel the maifestation of God's unfailing love surrounding me as i trust in HIm! Thanks for all who are praying. I love you all and i love living with God this way...

Love from Phnom Penh- Eileen