We went on a medial mission, but I always knew it would be far more than that. There were so many connections and networks formed and I truly know that I have new friends all over the world that will endure here on earth and even into heaven.
Talk about the Body of Christ- I am so thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am thrille dto be part of a truth based, spirit filled local church but I am equally thrille dabout being part of the global church- the fullness of the Body of Christ! There were people on the team from Australia, South Africa, Belgium, England, India and all across the U.S.
Here are some photos of me with my new sisters (and brothers) in Christ! To God be the glory!
Just before my long 14 hour flight from L.A. to Taipei, Taiwan I met up with three other women who were also part of the team. This was a huge encouragement to all of us- we felt like together we could endure the long flight! (Jill from Texas, myself, Shawna from Florida and Vanessa from South Carolina).
After breakfast and befor eheading out to Day 2 clinic. (Melanie, originally from South Africa and now living in London, Jill from Northern England, myself and Shawna)
"Five Rivers"! This is what myself an this dynamic, powerful, passionate group of prayer warriors ended up calling ourselves. These girls are in my heart forever. My room becasme the prayer and prophecy room almost every night. From left to right is Melania, Heather (from Washington), Jessika (from Arizona) and Lesya (from Australia). You can tell it's my room becasue of my lovely stylish pajama pants! haha!
Lilia (from St Louis Dream Center) and myself. Thisis right after we went shopping at the market in Phnom Penh. that was really fun and youc an see that i am already sporting my new headband- something I try to buy in each new country i go to).
This photo shows form left to right my interpreter "Sunny", Dr. Mark Bebo (he and his wife were our team leaders), myself and in the foreground is the woman who had severe scoliosis and was basically "crumpled up, hunched over, twisted and looking down" when Dr. Mark sent her to me. After laying her on the table and letting the Holy Spirit lead me (becasue truly I didn't know what I could do for her in the natural) I just kep praying and doing whatever I felt the Lord directing me to do. I cna tell you I had HUGE FAITH for this woman that Jesus was going to heal her and help her. Eventhough the crowds were waiting I would not rush the Holy Spirit on this one. When she stood up- she was so mcuh straighter we all praised God. Youc an see she still has structural deformities but God allowed her to straighten up and walk. She also gave her life to Christ for the first time that day as she felt the love of Christ healing her she said. PRAISE GOD! Yeah- this one gave me tears!