Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

More photos

"Sunny" (my interpreter), a little Khmer boy I treated and me of course!

As I adjusted patient after patient, these kids all seemed to gather and watch me. What's funny about this photo is all these kids were all smiley, but as soon as you get the camera out they close their lips! I've found that to be true a lot of places- noone quite does the cheesy camera smile like Americans! haha. Oh well, they are still so cute! And they LOVED their super balls!

Dr. (or shall I say Dentist) Eileen- haha- yeah, well, Dr. Anita form India who is a dentist asked me if I wanted to do a tooth extraction. Is aid "sure- why not?!". So thisis me pulling a big ol' molar. Thank God the patient was anesthetized. I did get it out perfectly though! And now I think I am done with dentistry! haha.

This was the view I had as I adjusted patients on Day 2.

This little girl was afraid and didn't want to get adjusted. She sat and sat and wouldn't get treated. but then I went and asked her and she came to my table. I just sat with her and massaged her hands and she relaxed so beautifully. Then I was able to adjust her also and she was happy.