Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Thursday, July 01, 2010


These photos are sort of in random order here, but....

A meal together during our lunch break of Liber In Isus School! YUM!!!! Carmen is an awesome cook!

The human knot game...join hands in a circle and then try to untangle yourselves!

This game was called "GO" and was probably my favorite of the bunch. It was tricky to learn but really demonstrated how we can flow together smoothly and easily as a team if we just tune in to each other.

The next two photos are from our "team debate".(in the photos they are strategizing) This game had each team argue for one side of an issue and then when done (and unknown to them) switch and argue the other side. I had them argue "Big churches are better than small house churches" and vice versa. It was really hysterical to see their reactions to this all! But ultimately, it shows how we can learnt o appreciate or at least listen to those with opposite or different views than ours...and possibly even appreciate that while we disagree, they may have some valid points.

On the second day of the school, we spent a lot of time doing Team Building games. This was something entirely new for them and extremely delightful and insightful! The two photos below show them playing a game we called "Magic Carpet ride". The carpet kept "getting smaller and smaller" and they had to find a way to fold it under them without letting anyone "fall off". After each game we would "debrief" and really talk about what we learned and how this can help us work as a team.

Following Day 1 of the school, we took some time to break off into pairs to discuss some of the practical applications of the previous night's teaching. I love seeing relationships become more real and deeper. It is the starting ground for "real church" I believe.

This was the first night of the school which we held at Carmen's house this time around. I spoke on balance and integrity....reflecting Christ here on earth.