Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Friday, May 19, 2006

We are here... Safe & Sound

(Mike here.) Just wanted to keep all of you updated as to how things are.

We are currently in Ambercris Caye. We are spending time with Vera & Basil. Basil has indicated that he's still not quite at 100%, but he looks like he's doing a lot better. They are trying some Restless Leg Syndrome suggestions (we are looking into using a Cal-Mag-Zinc supplement they had).

We will be here until tomorrow (Saturday) when we take the 1.5 hr water taxi ride back to Belize City to meet with the doctors for lunch. For those of you that were not informed (or forgot) Eileen had a God meeting with 2 doctors who live and work here in Belize. And in classic Eileen-Holy Spirit boldness, she asked the doctors point blank if they would be willing to come to Gales Point to serve as doctors periodically and they said they would. We believe that tomorrow we will be ironing out logistics like frequency of visits. We will also be asking if they have any other MD contacts that would/might be willing to work in the village too. It'd be great if we could get 6-12 doctors and they could come 4x/year and there would be coverage EVERY WEEK in the village.

Pray for the doctors that they would not get intimidated by the villagers (which has happened in the past) and that we would be able to get additional contacts.

Pray also for our drive up to Mexico after that meeting. We are really trying to press in and get past Vera & Basil's standard responses, and get to the MEAT of what they are here for and God is calling them to do. We want MAXIMUM CREATIVITY and DREAMING so that God can reach these people where other times they may have been unreachable. We want to help bridge these people past their comfort zones and the generational "this is how we do things" and get them to a place of joy, prosperity, and (obviously) salvation.

Pray for me (Mike) that the hard job of reaching the men in the village does not CAMP in me as DISBELIEF. I want to BELIEVE God that these people are reachable. That the impossible is possible with God.

Hopefully, we will have the ability to update this more fully within the next 2-3 days.

We are so grateful for all of you that are STANDING IN THE GAP with us for this little village and these 2 missionaries that we are called to. BREAK-THROUGH is going to happen. Thank you for your standing with us.