Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Word of the Lord!

Yesterday at church, this word came forth to our congregation. My spirit leaped and I knew God was indeed speaking and encouraging us once again. May it encourage you as well!

(through Rachel Cui, 5/14/06)
“I don’t want My people to settle for less than everything. When I give you faith for something, then I want you to run with it. Will you quit at the first sign of adversity? When the challenge comes, will you be quick to say, ‘Maybe there’s another answer,’ or will you plant your feet on My word and on what I have spoken? Those who see signs and wonders are those who stand confidently in faith regardless of circumstances. It’s to those who insist on living in faith that I will give power; they are the ones who will see the fulfillment of promises. These are the ones who will fight on the front lines. They will know victory because they do not shrink back. The appearance of past experiences does not determine their actions. This is My army; these are the ones who will see the miraculous; they are the ones who press on and stand firm, persisting in faith.”