Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Sunday, November 23, 2008

You're Invited!

Sunday Dec 7th we will be blessed by the ministry and worship of Gary and Nancy Szymik! We'll meet at our usual time of 6:30 and go as long as the Lord leads. YOu need to rsvp to us at if you plan to come. It is free but please come prepared with an offering to help us bless Gary and his family. You are welcome to invite others! Gary has traveled all over the U.S. and personally is my favorite worship leader- to use a "generic title"- but he and his wife are so much more than that! Come and see for yourself and be blessed! (photos form a previous worship night a few years ago)

Heading Back to Romania- another "land that I love"

As many of you know, I have come to call Romania (at least portions of it) my Psalm 23 land! It's hard to describe the peace and love I feel when I am there. Maybe some of the peace will transfer over to "restore your soul" as you even just view these.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Fun Ministry Nights with God's family!

Just a few snapshots from a Sunday night "Eagle's Next" gathering

We've been having such a great time on Sunday nights! It's so wonderfully awesome to be able to just praise our wonderful God and Savior and enjoy each other's giftings and company. Growing in our love for God and our ability to receive His love, growing in our understanding of His word....growing in our understanding of who we are in Christ- it' s all really beautiful and we are so blessed!