prayer for Todd Bentley
Writing this today I just want to ask those of you who feel led to, to pray for Todd Bentley and his wife. Regardless of how you may personally feel about his ministry style, the revival, etc...I want to plead the case with you that they are still people, Christians, and they need our prayers. I am writing this assuming that most of you have heard the recent news of their marriage problems and current separation. Again, I want to implore you to believe the best about what God can do- I want to ask you to pray for our brother and sister and their family. I want us to believe the best for them. I'm not suggesting we lay aside discernment or Biblical parameters, of course not, I'm just saying this is a situation where LOVE is really needed. Would you join us in praying for them and all other Christian marriages that need God's help? (that would be EVERY marriage wouldn't it ?)
Would you also wait and see what God does through all of this. I see no need to criticize and trash the entire "outpouring" that God has been doing. I see no reason to take the current failings of one man and jump to a blanket statement that God was not in any of it. These are just my thoughts. I think we are wise to just wait and pray and let God reveal things and lead us all. I certainly believe God was moving in these meetings. I also believe there was some stuff that needed to be sifted out. To me, with any new move of God, it takes a while to properly assess it. I still think time is needed to see the heart of what God is doing down there and throughout the world.
Earlier on this blog site (Friday May 16th)- back at the beginning of the Florida revival- I wrote some other comments. I think they still hold true today.
My heart is just filled with love from a God who LOVES us so much. And I think it's time we walk in it and pour it out as a beautiful healing balm on all who will receive it. God can deal with all people about anything and everything- only He truly knows the condition of the heart- we , in the meantime, can LOVE them and pray God's best for them.