Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Friday, May 16, 2008

Living the Christian Life

Just felt like posting some maybe obvious things on here today. Also want to give my take on those things. We are living in some interesting times to say the least. Lately there have been a number of "attention getting happenings" (that's not meant in a negative way) that have indeed gotten our attention. Whether it is the cyclone that hit Myanmar and all the subsequent devastation and millions (yes millions) of homeless and affected people, or Oprah's new teachings and mass audience hypnotism and past life regression, or the earthquake in China and all the subsequent devastation or the healing meetings in Florida with Todd Bentley- people ARE talking.

So what do I want to add to the conversation.

I guess I just want to add that whatever we do, do it in love.
Whatever we think, think it in love.

Yes, we know the end times are here or near or however you want to phrase it- we know the Bible tells us these disasters will occur, false teaching will occur and many other things. It doesn't say that right teaching will cease though. It doesn't say that God will stop being God or we should stop carrying out the commands He has given us. So we need to be careful when we are quick to respond from our flesh without first praying or even waiting for a season and watching.

The Bible also tells us to let the tares grow along side the wheat- should we try to seperate them too soon we will pull out good and leave bad. The parable of the fish also teaches us that the fish shouldn't separate the fish- God will handle that Himself. Whether it is true teaching or false teaching, whether it is a natural disaster across the globe or a needy family in your block, let's all remember to clothe ourselves in love and ask God how we are to respond to each thing. And then, when we hear Him, let's obey.

I could tell you how I personally feel about all of these things and it may be exactly what you think or it may totally surprise you- but I'd rather let you just talk to God about it.
Because really, He is the one you need to listen to and so do I.

So why even post this post? Well, just to let you know we're thinking about it all. We are watching it all. We are praying about it all. And we are doing our best to follow God and how we feel Him leading us in it all. We're also trying to learn from all that is going on around us. I feel there are so many lessons we can learn (individually tailored for each of us) if we are opent o letting God show us new things.

I do think everything should be examined against scripture. Not culture, not tradition, not religion, not politics but scripture. I think some things are what they seem and some are not. I think some things that seem fake are real and some that seem real are fake. And I think some things contain both fake and real. I think this is what Jesus taught us in His word. We CAN judge, we CAN discern and we CAN ask for God's help to lead us and give us wisdom...we just also need to stay humble through it all realizing we may be throwing out or pulling up a perfectly good fish or a perfectly rooted wheat stalk. In some of these things, only God knows for sure...and thank God He is the one who will decide.

Well- that's all - my love to all who read this :) Eileen