nigeria photos...maybe
Greetings from Lagos, Nigeria!
Right now I am attempting to scan some photos into our blog site. of course I am pretty lost without my computer guru- Taylor! But I had a few training sessions with him so we'll see if I can make it work. Captions and flipping of photos may have to follow at a later time! In general we have conducted a three day conference with about 1,000 women attending form many different churches. The women that came were already Christians, already serving his purposes. Some other shots might be (ha-ha) of me and some of the speakers that are responsible for pulling this together and bringing it to reality. We've had a great team and lots of unity and love. Many team members leave today but I am here for 4 more days and will be doing some local outreaches. Please pray as God leads! Love and thanks to all of you who have helped God to send me here.
Okay- so now that I figured out the photos here's the scoop on those. The first one is the girl that got the necklace from KC- she is 9 and was very thankful and happy.
Then there is a photo with me and young woman- her name is Lydia...or Lily for short. She is studying biochemistry currently. She and I connected.
There's a photo with me and Naomi Dowdy who I have gained much wisdom from this trip and will continue to learn all I can form her. If you don't know about her- look her up- you'll WANT to!
There’s a photo at this very nice home with a bunch of us. In the forefront is a man and a woman kneeling. This is Lee Grady and the hostess of the home. What I love about this is they are not married...they are not "in love", yet here they kneel in honor to each other, in sincerity and prayer and in holiness- brother and sister in Christ. THIS IS WHAT GOD'S LOVE LOOKS LIKE. THANK YOU LORD!
And then I think I put a crowd shot in too.
That's all for now as my time is up.