Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Saturday, February 24, 2007

How Big is our God?

Well, the only answer I have for that question is BIGGER AND BIGGER each time I check! haha! It's beena while since we've updated so i thought I'd throw a quick post on here. We were able to buy Roxana's tickets and she will be here on March 22nd and stay thru the end of April. We are already filling up the days and are so looking forward to her time here.

This week we start our training classes for the adoption process. We have already completed a few of them but we have 9 more to do, so that means a lot of classes packed into a few weeks. We sent in our latest stack of paperwork and so our "home study" is officially in progress. I'm not sure when they actually come to our HOME (haha) but I guess our home is much more than just our house! Today KC was walking thru the hallways of church carrying a little African American girl in her arms and I just was so full of joy. It reminded me that soon she will have a little sister!(and maybe a little brother too!). Anyway- it's all in God's hands and the whole process has been really peaceful.

In our last letter we asked for prayer as we seek God on several fronts. We are happy to say we are seeing those prayers answered and God is indeed revealing strategies to us and opening doors. We are praying about each opportunity, testing it for God's true direction and not just walking thru it because it is "open". That being said, please keep praying and we will keep you posted on things once they are confirmed. Pray that our minds would not stand in the way of what God wants to do. In other words, pray that we don't limit what God might want to do in us and through us for His Kingdom and those He so loves.

And a BIG BIG THANK YOU to all of you who continue to support our ministry- it really is "our" - meaning yours and ours- ministry together as the Body. We could not do all of this without you. Our hearts are full of thankfulness and appreciation.