Belize December update
Hopefully this writing will correspond with the photos in the right order. One of the things I try to do (usually with KC) each time I go down is to teach the girls a praise dance. This year, I brought down a dance that was actually choreogrpahed by Lindsay Knapp (a friend of ours) and KC. It was to "O come all Ye faithful" and was much more in a classic ballet style than high energy urban praise (like I've taught these girls before). They picked it up really well and will perform it for the village at their Christmas service.
I also brought down some dance outfits for two of the girls who are the main ones that I have worked with before. One of the girls Una ("yuna") models her new outfit. The shirts say "Live Free" and have a butterfly on them as well! Very cool! Una and I are standing in front of one of the 6 banners that I brought down to bring some life and color into the village church! The villagers loved them.
The next photo (I hope) is of Rodwell. Last May we found Rodwell walking thru the village with a walker and after examining him realized there was definitely a problem with his hip. Vera and Basil got him to the doctor and found out he needed surgery for a fractured hip (full break straight thru the bone). Our church paid for Rodwell's surgery and he is doing phenomenally well! I saw him riding his bike and running and carrying lumber! HE told me to say Thank You to everyone who helped him! Rodwell needs to go in this Friday now for another surgery just to havethe pins, etc removed. We don't know the cost of this yet but we were able to leave $600 towards the expenses and know that God will cover the rest (if it cost more than that). Rodwell is kind of shy as you can tell by his little head tip and small smile in this picture. I love it though- it really captures who he is. BTW, Rodwell's Mom Grace is one of the women who attend the Bible study and is a believer!
The next photo was taken at the end of the womens' bible study that Vera and Carole (who also works with the mission) have been holding in the village. The women shown here are some of the only believers in Gales Point. When the class was over I asked them to gather round and lay hands on Vera and to pray for her. I did a quick little teaching on this and told them that this is one of the things God uses me to do- to release the giftings in others. SO they laid hands on her and started praying. Vera was crying almost non stop as they prayed over her. Many of the women were also moved to tears. It was truly beautiful and was a major beakthrough.
Here's a picture of me and Didi, fresh off the boat and pretty wet actually. Didi is one young man that I would ask everyone to pray for if you are led to. Didi is a definite "Strong hopeful" for the village and "future leader". There is so much opposition to his living rightly though so we want to keep praying for him. He was a great joy to be around, is a hard worker, has a really great sense of humor and has a desire to work and earn money and better himself. He has a desire to become a certified tour guide (which he would be great at) and so we are working with him to make that happen. We have told him (and Vera and Basil) that if he earns and saves half the money needed for the school , then we will provide the other half. This was wisdom from God becasue everyone in Gales Point is used to just expecting a handout. Didi actually WANTS to work and so we want him to earn this himself...but still help him in the process. I am so hopeful that this will come to fruition but it will take prayer and time.