It’s been a while since we’ve sent out an update so let us try to share with you some of the latest things that have been happening. If you remember, in March we had a doctor that moved out here from Hawaii to buy our practice. Well, that deal fell through and with it, we felt God bringing a shifting to what we knew- or felt we knew- regarding our ministry in Belize.
It was clear that we wouldn’t be moving to Belize- at least not any time soon- but it was also clear that there has been and still is purpose in our ministry in Belize. In one big way our ministry to Belize has changed…that is, we won’t be moving down there to live and serve. But in almost every other way, our ministry to Belize remains the same. We are still in excellent relationship with missionaries Vera and Basil. We correspond with them weekly and stay updated on all that is happening in Gales Point. We plan to continue to travel down there as God leads.
We also are now the U.S. stateside contacts for the Mission base, answering questions and organizing the service of short term teams from all over the U.S.
We also want to report the many praises that have already come forth. As you know, one of the main objectives was to get a clinic up and running in the village. You may remember that God divinely linked us with three doctors in Belize City. Two of those doctors are now serving regularly in the village! What’s more is that God has also brought in a full time nurse for the clinic! This brings us great joy to know that the people that God so loves will now have a place to go and have qualified workers meet their healthcare needs. We still pray for this clinic to come into the fullness of what God intends it to be but we are SO grateful for the way God has already moved! We feel blessed and humbled to have been used to bring this into existence. We always thought we would have to live down there for this to come to be, but obviously, God had it planned another way.
We are also seeing other areas where God is bringing forth fruit from our seeds (though they are really His seeds!) All of this reminds us that God is indeed God and His plan WILL succeed. We thought it would look differently than it does (which is usually what happens), but as we continue to walk in faith and obedience we see that His promises to us regarding Belize are indeed coming to pass. We believe as well that the best is yet to come for Gales Point!
While we continue to pursue God’s plan for us in Belize, we also have been given a door of opportunity in Romania. Many of you know that Eileen has been there three times now leading women’s camps, teaching, preaching and discipling believers. The first two trips focused primarily on women’s ministry while this last trip really was a combined discipling of men and women in the truth of God’s word.
Out of this trip came an awareness and actual request from the Romanian saints to have Mike come and hold a men’s camp. The men there are hungry for more of God, hungry for the spiritual things of God and have been praying that God would send someone to help them. Ever since our last trip to Romania (Eileen and team’s July trip) the men, women and families of Sibiu Romania have been praying for our whole family to return. These are not just “thoughts of prayer” or “kind comments”, these men and women are serious prayer warriors calling out to God for his provision and help.
We have felt the effect of their prayers and definitely feel a need to respond to God’s open door set before us in Romania. We have prayed, consulted those on our ministry board and feel a unanimous “yes” in our spirit to make a short term ministry trip to Romania as a family. Obviously, cost is a factor. Travel expenses and ministry costs will total about $5,000 for all of us. We are asking you to pray about partnering with us in this mission. We need lots of prayer and lots of finances.
We believe that the places we go as the Truth Ministry are not at all random but are places that are hand picked by God. They are places where God wants to see change. Much of the last two years has been focused on Gales Point, Belize and the dark spiritual climate and third world living conditions. Much of our time there has been plowing up the dry ground. To be honest it has been sacrificial, difficult, frustrating, unclear and yet “of God”. It is a land where patience and perseverance is needed. It has been and continues to be a faith walk.
Romania is totally different and so spiritually ripe. It is a land of good soil, ready for planting and ripe for harvest. There is so much hunger and desire for more…two very different lands and yet both people groups and places have captured the heart of God…and consequently, our hearts! Gales Point has yet to come into their knowledge of salvation and redemption and Romania, having received salvation, has yet to come into the fullness of freedom and power available to us all in the Holy Spirit through Christ!
God is directing us, our family, the Truth Ministry to be an active part of His kingdom building in both of these countries. Our desire is to continue to be faithful to answer that call.
We want to thank all of you for your continued support in prayer and finances. This mission is very sacred to us, very holy and something we try our very best to walk rightly in. We just want you to know that we don’t take any of this lightly but we do take it all joyfully knowing that there is no greater adventure than to go through life following His lead.
Mike, Eileen, Taylor and Killoran Berglund
427 Shelley Drive, Racine, WI 53405