Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Monday - Rest Day...Sort of!

Carmen and me by one of the salty lakes.

Can you say BEES? And there were plenty more that were not in their homes!

Part of Carmen's huge garden

Monday was scheduled to be a rest day. AND a day where we could treat Carmen to some fun. We had plans to go to the "salty lakes" and swim but had really just prayed God's will for us all. As it turned out, the weather was much cooler and so we did go to the salty lakes, only we didn't swim. We then went to Carmen's home in the country (BEAUTIFUL drive- I held my bracelet up against the landscape matching colors of the beads to the colors of the hills.) When we got to her garden they put us to work (haha) and we picked buckets of raspberries (amidst the bees- yikes!) and picked cherries form their trees as well. The truth of the matter (the PATHETIC TRUTH!)is that this was probably the biggest place of ME DYING TO MY FLESH that I encountered on this trip. It was really hard to work among all those bees and not freak out- but I just prayed and continued on. God is good and so were the raspberries!!!!!