Berglund Family Ministry Updates

Monday, September 13, 2010

In Christ Alone dance

Follow the link below to see KC ministering in dance to the song In Christ Alone.

Enjoy and be blessed.

ps- More updates coming soon!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Next three posts- ROMANIA 2010

Some extra photos with my Romanian family :)

Okay, so I had to do the "take your own photo shot"...but I mean , seriously, look at that view...there are even more mountains behind the hills that you can't see in this shot. Aaaaahhhhhhh- B-E-A- utiful! Thank You God for creating such refreshing beauty!

Me and Rodica

Me and Roxana
Me and Carmen
Me and Claudia! haha!

Some videos you may enjoy- Romania 2010

New Beginnings House of Prayer

to see the video we created for the Balance teaching.


These photos are sort of in random order here, but....

A meal together during our lunch break of Liber In Isus School! YUM!!!! Carmen is an awesome cook!

The human knot game...join hands in a circle and then try to untangle yourselves!

This game was called "GO" and was probably my favorite of the bunch. It was tricky to learn but really demonstrated how we can flow together smoothly and easily as a team if we just tune in to each other.

The next two photos are from our "team debate".(in the photos they are strategizing) This game had each team argue for one side of an issue and then when done (and unknown to them) switch and argue the other side. I had them argue "Big churches are better than small house churches" and vice versa. It was really hysterical to see their reactions to this all! But ultimately, it shows how we can learnt o appreciate or at least listen to those with opposite or different views than ours...and possibly even appreciate that while we disagree, they may have some valid points.

On the second day of the school, we spent a lot of time doing Team Building games. This was something entirely new for them and extremely delightful and insightful! The two photos below show them playing a game we called "Magic Carpet ride". The carpet kept "getting smaller and smaller" and they had to find a way to fold it under them without letting anyone "fall off". After each game we would "debrief" and really talk about what we learned and how this can help us work as a team.

Following Day 1 of the school, we took some time to break off into pairs to discuss some of the practical applications of the previous night's teaching. I love seeing relationships become more real and deeper. It is the starting ground for "real church" I believe.

This was the first night of the school which we held at Carmen's house this time around. I spoke on balance and integrity....reflecting Christ here on earth.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mike and Taylor - Sibiu, Romania Sept 2009

Prayer at New Beginnings house of prayer (house church)

Oktoberfest- Munich, Germany ( the men had a layover on the return flight

Life with Sergiu and Roxana....and Mike!

New Beginnings and Liber In Isus. Sergiu leads worship at both

Taylor teaching- Roxana translating. I included the blurry one so you could see Taylor was actually laughing and smiling and enjoying himself while blessing the others. (we're so proud of him!)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

KC dancing (with Christy Rauwerda) to Orphans of God song

Link to view the dance.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sibiu, Romania April 2009

The last night of the mission- the "meeting after the meeting"...and as we worshipped , waited on the Lord and prophesied, Roxana felt the Lord direct her to anoint me with oil for this new season, until the oil drips all over me. What followed was powerful and holy.

The old city walls still stand in parts of Sibiu. These walls surrounded the city at one time and kept it form being overtaken by invading forces. There are watch towers several places along the wall and also throughout the city that still remain. We went there to pray at the city gates and bind the enemy territorial spirits and loose God's angelic host. We did this strategically and only as the Lord directed.

Judy at the city gate with the shofar. She blasted it several times as we prayed! Some extremely significant and prophetic work was done there that day. We pray God gives us increased revelation to fully understand it all.

Judy and Jen finding their Easter treasure hunt bags! Roxana and Claudia gave us an Easter Treasure hunt since we were away form our homes and families on our Easter Day (Romania celebrates Easter a week after us in line with the Orthodox calendar)

Tracee and Roxana during one of the Liber In Isus school sessions. Tracee was a phenomenal asset to our team and to me personally. Everyone there benefitted so much from her heart and teachings.

LIBER IN ISUS- Year ONE! (Sergiu is missing from photo!)

NEW BEGINNINGS HOUSE OF PRAYER- Sunday morning at Carmen's home. Wow- this was a sweet sweet gathering. God truly is doing something ...and....I have NEVER seen Carmen happier in all the time I've known her. This is a new church gathering and The Truth Ministries will be giving apostolic oversight.
OUR TEAM! Judy, Eileen, Carmen, Tracee and Jen
Easter Sunday we went for a drive in the beautiful villages adn mountains. Here, Judy and I pose for a quick photo after taking in the awesome and peaceful view at the summit.

This is my favorite shot of the mission trip- whoeevr captured this moment- thank you. This was during the "oil" portion of the night (smile). I just love this shot. It captures my heart.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Photos for now- Details to follow....

This was taken at the Inn we stayed at in Dusseldorf, Germany. We had an overnight on our way home. I would recommend this place to anyone along with the Italian restaurant downt he street. We had such a fun time together...English speaking Americans who were just immersed in Romanian, now in GErmany at an Italian speaking restaurant! Too funny! Thankfully laughter nad joy is universala nd we had a great meal and great time! We left the next morning (shown here) to head back to Chicago.
Doing "The Monkees" (for those old enough to remember) crazy leg walk down the streets of downtown Sibiu with Roxana. We enjoyed a day of shopping and sightseeing as Romania celebrated a National holiday comparable to our 4th of July.

Inside the ORthodox church in downtown Sibiu. Beautiful huh? Not necessarily a "warm feeling" but downright breathtaking.

Taylor finds pizza! Our pizza boy is happy and excited to try pizza wherever he goes. Thankfully, the Romania pizza gets his stamp of approval! What's fun is everyone gets their own pizza! HE definitely liked that!

Rox and KC midway up the old tower. This was cool.

A view from the top of the tower. Of course the tower has some major historical significance, but I've forgotten it all. Sorry :(
KC, Carmen (our awesome amazing Romanian team leader and our host), me and Mike

This was one of the most awesome moments...and unexpected...God's hand all over it. This is us praying over one of the pastors and his family in his home. This pastor wants our continued help and we look forward to it. Their hearts are so humble and beautiful.

Talking through stuff and finding unity in Christ. (these pictures are all in reverse order)

Lois, the new addition since my last visit! Lois, Maria (the pastor's wife) and me outside their church.

KC and Taylor ministered to the kids by reading a story about the Legend of the Candy Cane and telling the story of Jesus. They handed out LOTS of candy to each child along with candy canes. Each child also got to choose a small beanie baby toy or gloves form those that were donated form people back here at home. It was wonderful and they were so happy and blessed! Many had never received a candy cane before!
Carmen's internet cafe....or internet garden...yes, that's a real lemon tree behind Taylor. An exciting upgrade for Carmne is that she now has internet and a laptop! Thanks to Liz in Texas for keeping us all connected!

Some of our family in Sibiu...Roxana, me, KC, Claudia and Lavinia. We love you!

Happy to have her candy, a little Romanian cutie!

KC and "Mommy" (Emily)- always spreading the joy and up for anything!

"Mommy", Carmen and me in Carmen's kitchen.

You'd never know it but we are up in the mountains of Sibiu. Finally another FAMILY missions photo. It's been a while!

Our smiley Taylor starts assembling some of the candy canes and tags for the children's meetings. Taylor says he'd definitely go back to Romania....only next time he'd like to do it over Summer break so as not to miss any school. Sounds fine to me!

Out with "the guys". With Mike and Taylor there, more ministry doors opened up. Especially awesome was this "in" with the young men. They are really wanting some direction and role models and also to have fun! They "kidnapped" Taylor and Mike one day and took them off to a soccer tourney and to see the sights. Mike almost ended up playing goalie but was saved at the last minute! Sergiu is one of our favorite young men and he and Mike and Taylor all really bonded. We look forward to what is to come for all of these young adults!

Mike, Carmen and Carmen's brother,Florian, prepare a traditional American Thanksgiving for all of us. Very fun and delightful day!